How to Identify Mixed Content Resources using Chromium-Based browsers?

  • Post last modified:February 22, 2023
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post category:Chrome

Mixed content occurs when both secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) resources are present on a website. By identifying these resources, you can take steps to replace insecure URLs with secure ones or remove unnecessary resources. This can help improve your website’s security and create a positive user experience for your visitors.

Supported Browsers

To identify mixed content resources, you can follow these steps in most Chromium-based browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Brave, and others. These steps can also be adapted for use in other modern browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari. Keep in mind that the steps to access the Developer Tools or the “Security” tab may vary slightly depending on the version of the browser you’re using.

Follow these simple steps to inspect a web page and identify mixed content resources

Here are the steps to follow to identify mixed content resources:

1) Open the web page you want to check in your browser and right-click anywhere on the page. From the context menu, select “Inspect”. Alternatively, you may also open up the Developer Tools by pressing:

  • On Windows and Linux: Ctrl + Shift + I
  • On Mac: Cmd + Shift + I

2) In the Developer Tools window that appears, click on the “Security” tab. You may need to reload the webpage. Here, you will see all the resources that were loaded and any mixed content errors. If there are any mixed content resources on the page, you will see a warning message.

3) The non-secure resources should appear below the “Non-secure origins” section, along with their URLs. You can also click the triangle icon at the top right of the Developer Tools window to show the non-secure (HTTP) resources in the console.

4) A list of non-secure resources should appear in the console after reloading the webpage again.


After completing these steps, you should be able to identify mixed content resources. To fix the mixed content issues, you need to replace the insecure URLs with secure ones (i.e., use HTTPS instead of HTTP), or remove the insecure resources altogether if they are not necessary for the page to function correctly.